Tiffany Ash Shares Tips on How to Introduce Classical Music to Kids


Did you know that adults are not the only ones who can benefit from listening to classical music? Tiffany Ash believes parents need to encourage their children to listen to all sorts of music, including symphonies - the masters’ music. Many studies show that classical music has many positive effects on children, primarily on their development. However, introducing classical music can be more challenging than you might think. Here are some tips that may help you introduce classical music to your kids:

1. Listen to classical music with your children.
Tiffany Ash believes it is essential to open up a world of different music types for your children! Introduce them to classical music if you want them to enjoy all its benefits. There are many resources available for free, so there should be no problem finding ways to play and listen to symphonies with your children. Tiffany Ash suggests that you play it on streaming platforms or on your radio to make it a part of your children’s daily lives. You can use it as their soundtrack for their activities, such as playing, bathing, or even sleeping. It is probably one of the best and easiest ways to introduce classical music to your children.

2. Let your kids watch shows that feature classical music.
If you do not know much about classical music yet, but you want your kids to appreciate it as much as you do, you can rely on kids’ shows that feature classical music. Many children’s shows can help you introduce classical music to your children, and Tiffany Ash believes it is the most enjoyable way for your kids! You can try watching shows like Little Einsteins and TarataBong to start.

3. Incorporate classical music into your home.
Another way to introduce classical music to your children is to incorporate them into little things in your life. You can listen to symphonies that resemble various sounds from your house. Tiffany Ash believes it is not only fun for your kids, but it will also boost your creativity! You can listen to symphonies like “The Little Train of the Caipira,” “Carnival of the Animals,” or The Toy Symphony” with your kids whenever you hear sounds from trains, animals, or insects and birds,


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