Tiffany Ash on Jacksonville Symphony’s New Music Educator


Local philanthropist Lory Doolittle amazed Tiffany Ash with her heartwarming gift to the Jacksonville Symphony. She recently gave a $1 million donation to create a lasting impact on the local orchestra’s music education and community engagement program.

Lory Doolittle is a dedicated philanthropist in the Jacksonville community ever since moving into the neighborhood with her late husband in 2006. Like Tiffany Ash, Lory has a passion for music and arts. She is a member of the Symphony’s Conductor’s Club giving society, a subscriber to the Florida Blue Masterworks Series, and a lead donor in multiple Symphony match campaigns. Lory’s culminating $1 million-gift reaffirms her dedication to music and arts within the community and the Jacksonville Symphony.

As one of Jacksonville Symphony’s patrons, Tiffany Ash was even more thrilled to know that the orchestra will use the money to endow a new position for its music education director’s new position. They recently welcomed Marianne Rice as the first “Lory Doolittle Endowed Director of Music Education.” The position holds the key to connecting the orchestra with its surrounding community.

Marianne Rice is a lifelong educator. She works specifically with performing arts to create education programs. She published a book titled “Music Education Through Gullah: The Legacy of a Forgotten Genre” and a children’s book called “Anire’s Adventures.” Music has been in her life since her childhood. Like Tiffany Ash, Marianne is passionate about creating and maximizing opportunities to impart music to Jacksonville’s community.

As the orchestra’s new music education director, Marianne Rice will oversee and coordinate fruitful partnerships with Communities in Schools and Students at the Symphony. This program gives free access to the concert experience for students and families in Jacksonville. Tiffany Ash looks forward to more projects from the Jacksonville Symphony to build more community engagement and to improve more lives through music.



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