Tiffany Ash Shares How Symphonies Made Adjustments During The Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has put everyone and almost everything in difficult and uncertain circumstances. As everyone tries to adapt to the new normal, Tiffany Ash believes that music never stops, especially in a difficult time when governments and authorities encourage everyone to practice safety protocols and stay at home. There were cancellations of entire concert seasons, postponements of international tours, and temporary closures of concert halls, all of which forced musicians out of their jobs indefinitely. Theaters and performance halls are empty as patrons and theatergoers take shelter in their homes.

However, despite this terrible situation, performing art companies and musicians pivoted into digital platforms to maintain their patrons and sponsors and allow talented artists to explore new avenues of classical music expression. Tiffany Ash believes that despite the challenging situation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, it was incredible when musicians started conducting virtual concerts on online platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

Virtual concerts are going viral on Facebook, instilling a sense of hope in musicians that they would still find fulfillment during the quarantine. Many orchestra musicians now rely on digital platforms and technologies to reach their audiences. Some play on radio shows, video-capture plays, and their genres range from classic to concert-like musicals.

Although this provides stability to companies' ledgers, the musicians are still in an incredibly challenging situation. It is uncertain when or if their jobs will ever come back. Like all the other things significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the uncertainty still hurts artists the most.

Tiffany Ash believes that the enjoyment of creative passions in arts and music can enrich people’s lives. She understands that many people may not have the same access that she has to the higher arts and seeks to give as many people as she can the opportunity to listen to music and experience its artistry.



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