Tiffany Ash: Why You Need To Support Local Orchestras


Tiffany Ash believes that musicians worldwide are longing now, more than ever, to be a part of an ensemble again. They do not only play instruments. These artists also listen and feel. They rely on the conductor and the community of instrumentalists that surrounds them. There were cancellations of entire concert seasons, postponements of international tours, and temporary closures of concert halls, all of which forced musicians out of their jobs indefinitely. Theaters and performance halls are empty as patrons and theatergoers take shelter in their homes.

But despite this situation, performing art companies and musicians pivoted into digital platforms to maintain their patrons and sponsors and allow talented artists to explore new avenues of classical music expression. Tiffany Ash believes that despite the challenging situation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, it was incredible when musicians started conducting virtual concerts on online platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

It is why Tiffany Ash believes that communities need to support their local orchestras now, more than ever. Most, if not all, local orchestras are non-profit organizations and rely on their sponsors and donors’ generosity. Supporting these organizations through donations will benefit not only their members but also the entire community. Through donations and sponsorships, musicians can continue performing inspirational concerts that move people from various places. Musicians can provide beautiful music and educational and community programs, which will encourage creativity among locals.

Tiffany Ash encourages locals to donate to their local orchestras to help musicians cultivate a love of music and expression of love. Most organizations almost always conduct a music curriculum that has culminating concerts and events. Donations will bring music and hope into the performers’ lives and inspire them to succeed in school and career. Help local orchestras enable the artistry in the community and get the highest quality music to everyone.


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