Tiffany Ash Gives 5 Reasons to See An Orchestra

Tiffany Ash believes that everyone should experience going to an orchestra at least once in their lifetime.

An orchestra concert is exquisitely produced, painstakingly rehearsed, and flawlessly executed. It is in this setting that you are exposed to a vast repertoire, which includes symphonies, opera, and ballet overtures. Many of which will sound stunning when performed live.

Why else should watching an opera make your list of must-do things?

1. It is an unmatched aural experience. The timbre, vibrance and dynamic range of a full classical orchestra performed in an actual concert hall is unrivaled even by the most state of the art sound system. Tiffany Ash shares that the acoustic sound quality of a proper concert hall gives you a divine music experience.

2. Watching an orchestra can be a life-changing experience. Watching and hearing music created before your very eyes and ears can have a profound effect on music lovers. To those who are fans of classical music, it may even be life-changing.

3. You get to watch master musicians at work. Orchestral musicians prove to be some of the most talented and dedicated artists in the world. They have honed their skills to perfection, and to see them perform as one is mesmerizing.

4. You get something different with every performance. Tiffany Ash states that the greatest orchestras in the world always produce astonishing work. This could further be elevated when a master conductor is at the helm.

5. It takes you to a different world. For an hour and a half, you are transported to a realm and completely taken over by the music. The stress and worry slip away, and everything else seems insignificant. You are reminded of the beauty, majesty, and immense power of music.

Tiffany Ash remarks that watching an orchestra is a great way to get a new perspective in life. In case you haven’t yet, check out the Jacksonville Symphony website if you wish to catch a concert sometime in the future.


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